Tuesday 12 June 2012

Back On Track

Well its not been a weekly update like I should have put but at least its good news. Things are going well training wise. I am back in the gym, running, doing alot more cycling and exercise at home too. Bad news is that due to other commitments I can no longer attend Muay Thai classes so my fitness has take abit of a hit there since it was an amazing full body workout. Also due to going to the gym Bouldering has also been put on the back burner but in lue of a gym session so its a fair trade I think. The training I have been doing in the gym has been geared towards packing on some size. This has been achieved with great effect!! I feel alot bigger on my upper body and my legs are alot more defined and stronger than previously. Even though my weight is creeping up, I believe that this is due to the extra muscle I have gained because I look and feel like I have lost fat. Although I dont have a 6-pack YET I will have one in tome for my holiday. I also believe I'm losing fat because my running has improved dramatically. Weights wise I do a different session each time. No 2 sessions are ever the same and this is the way it will be staying. However I will be moving into full body circuits come July as I enter my "definition" phase. Cardio as mentioned is mainly covered by running. I go twice a week which is not enough in all honesty. For the goals that I want to achieve I need to be going three times a week minimum. This goal from this week onwards will be to do just that. At the moment my runs are fat burners as I dont feel capable of doing intervals or hill sprints etc. but when I have developed abit of a base level of fitness I will be moving onto more advanced training methods. Cycling has become a bigger part of my routine again as my main mode of transport and I feel much better for it, to the point I feel bad taking a bus somewhere when I know I could have cycled. This again is something I am phasing in to add to the regime as a little unmentioned extra. I have big plans for my training as I am now giving some serious thought to applying for the Royal Marines and this time round actually following it through!! To makw this a reality I will need to be trainig 5/6 days a week, twice a day minimum. It will be hard on my body so I will have to bare in mind the options I habe ro keep my risk of injury down. The biggest piece of advice I will give myself is to listen to my body so I dont over-do it and stretch every day. That will also allow my body to repair faster too which is an added bonus. I havent made it official that I am looking to apply to all the family. There are members I have discussd it with and they know its on the cards but nothing is set in stone. However it is becoming an ever increasing possibility and I do want it to come to fruition in the near future. Time to start working like I really WANT it.

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