Friday 14 October 2011

Weekly Update

I know its been a while but I have been keeping on top of things. All this week I have introduced 2 press-up pyramids a day into my regime as well as using my grip master again. As a result my hands are crampy as buggery!!

The weeks events began on Monday with a run from home to Sir Jacks and back which is round trip of just under 7 miles. Not bad considering 3 miles nearly killed me the other day. The main down point with the run was that with my new trainers not being worn in for very long at they were eating through my feet by the time I got to the tan yard. So I had to have a couple of stops along the way to give myself a breather from the pain. I will also own up to having to walk from Sir Jacks to just before Wicko comp to ease the pain a bit. I then ran my heart out as far as could with only 1 stop near the stag because of the pain the blisters with giving me. My cardio was not too bad at all, in fact I was suprised and impressed that I didnt have to cop out because of poor fitness. Fair enough we were going at a pretty slow speed but then it was 7 miles!! When my shoes are worn in properly it is my goal to do the run again without stopping no matter how long it takes me.

I have also discovered snow boarding!! This was on Tuesday. It is totally awesome, not too great cardio obviously although I did run up the hill every time rather than walk to get a bit more of a sweat on. It was really a muscular workout on the legs obviously since 99% of the work done is down there. Your quads and thighs are under constant strain and its also a great core workout as the balance needed is obviously pretty high. Especially when you have got to be half squating with your hips forward most of the time!! I did level 1 lesson which is obviously pretty basic but I am off to do level 2 (possibly 3) and hit the slopes later today (Friday).

So not a world of exercise being done obviously but with my friends birthday in Leeds Tuesday till Wednesday and my brother getting home yesterday I haven't honestly had chance. So making up for it with a myriad of different sports/exercises for all round fitness. The long road continues and it is becoming more and more interesting each time I exercise.

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